The features of the fragrance appear prominent with an irresistible spicy oriental fragrance, as it comes out to us with a refreshing and charming series that begins with an exciting...
"Terath Unisex" is a perfume from the famous French perfume house Hermès. It is a perfume characterized by its classic and elegant design, and it is considered a common sexual...
Top notes are almond and coffee, middle notes are jasmine jasmine and tuberose, base notes are tonka bean and cocoa Note: All perfumes are installed by us to be identical...
Note: All perfumes are installed by us to be identical to international brands, with excellent quality, stability and high concentration, as the images are shown for illustration only. Editorial Almonds...
The fragrance tells a story full of suspense and excitement that begins its first chapter with a refreshing blend of bergamot, lemon, almond and coffee. Passing through the heart of...